Local Law for Temporary Storage Containers



Below is the proposed language amending Article 3  of the Municipal Code to include an additional Section 121.18 as follows:


Temporary Storage Containers


  1. Definition: a “storage container” includes any container without graffiti upon it intended for the purpose of storing or keeping household goods and other personal property or material of the property owner that is intended to be filled, refilled, or emptied while located outdoors on a property, and to be thereafter removed from the property.


  1. It shall be unlawful for any person, tenant, firm or corporation to place, keep, or maintain any storage container on any property without securing a permit. 


  1. Any person desiring a permit to place or maintain a storage container, shall file an application in the Village Hall.  The form for this application is to be furnished by the Village and shall be sworn to and filed by the applicant with the Village Building Inspector, along with an application fee of $50.00 if the container is to be used in conjunction with a permitted project for improvement to a structure on a property.  If the work to be done on the property requires a separate permit, no storage container permit shall issue until all other necessary permits for the work are obtained.


  1. A permit for a storage container may only be granted if there is currently a permit for improvement to a structure upon the identified property, or if such container is necessary following a natural disaster or emergency within the subject premises such as fire or flooding.  Further, if a container is needed in conjunction with a natural disaster or emergency within the premises and the permit fee above will be waived.  The fee will also be waived if any construction is necessitated as a result of a natural disaster or emergency within the premises.


  1. A storage container may not exceed an area of 128 square feet and it may not exceed eight feet in height.  In no event shall there be more than two storage containers on any property at any time.


  1. Any storage container must be set back from any side yard property line at least five feet and shall also be set back at least five feet from the front yard property line.  Additionally, any storage container must be a minimum of five feet away from any structures on the property.  The Building Inspector shall have the discretion to further restrict the placement of a storage container on a property so as to prevent any unreasonable deprivation of light, air, or reasonable use to any adjoining property.


  1. The Building Inspector is hereby authorized, in the exercise of reasonable discretion, to revoke any permit issued hereunder if, after due investigation, he deems that the holder thereof has violated any provisions of this ordinance, or that the storage container is being maintained in an unsafe manner or is being maintained as a nuisance.  Written notice of said revocation shall be given, either by personal service upon the person to be notified or by depositing said notice in the United States mail in a sealed envelope, postage pre-paid, addressed to such person at the address which appears on the records of the Building Department.


  1. A storage container shall be permitted to remain on a property for the time period of construction.  If a storage container is obtained for reasons other than construction it shall be permitted to remain for 60 days.  In no event shall a container remain on a property for more than 6 months. 


I.    If a storage container is placed on a property and the container has graffiti upon it, then the owner shall be deemed to have placed said container without a permit.