Welcome to East Williston!
Our Village welcomes you with open arms. East Williston is a community that is rich in history, steeped in tradition, and as you will hear many times in years to come, a Village whose residents are truly proud of the place where they live.
As you will see, East Williston’s deep sense of community is generated by our many volunteer organizations and committees and our residents’ enthusiastic involvement in the programs and events that they offer. Our Village newsletter “East Williston Reports” is mailed to residents twice annually and provides much information on upcoming events and activities as well as general homeowner information.
Our most important volunteer organization is our Fire Department. We encourage all new residents to join. It is a commitment, but one you will find rewarding. An application for membership is enclosed. Another tradition has Santa Claus delivering gifts to children on Christmas Eve with the help of these fine volunteers.
Our Library is located in the Village Hall across the lobby from the Village Office. Its quaint atmosphere is enjoyed by many of our residents and the Library Staff provides some wonderful programs.
The Village Green on East Williston Avenue opposite the Rail Road Plaza plays host to many of our time honored traditions. It is the setting for Mr. Bunny’s annual Egg Hunt, our Volunteer Fire Department’s Harvest Festival, Memorial Day and Veterans Day services, and the Village Tree Lighting Ceremony in December. The East Williston Recreation Committee organizes many of these activities. Other programs offered are yoga classes and Tai Chi at the Village Hall and summer tennis lessons on the Village tennis courts.
The Village Office is staffed by our Village Clerk Joanna Palumbo, Deputy Village Clerk Elissa Jansen, and Treasurer Scott Cunningham. Any questions or concerns you may have can be handled by them by calling 746-0782.
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, except holidays. You may also reach us via email at villageoffice@eastwilliston.org .
Throughout the years East Williston has remained one of Long Island’s most desirable communities. In order to maintain the charm and character that keeps it so attractive we ask that you familiarize yourself with and respect our laws that have been designed to protect the integrity of our Village. It is through cooperation and voluntary compliance with Village rules and ordinances that the mutual respect and consideration Village residents have for each other is developed.
Below is a list of valuable information for new residents:
Parking Restrictions
There is no parking allowed on Village roads between the hours of 2 am and 6 am. Commercial vehicles and boats cannot be parked in driveways.
Garage, Yard, and Tag Sales are Prohibited
The only time a permit will be issued for a garage sale is when your home has been sold.
Building Permits
Permits are required for extensions, fences, driveways, decks, pools (above and in-ground), sprinkler installations, etc. If you are unsure whether a permit is required for a potential project, please call the Village Office. The building inspector is available in the office Mondays & Thursdays.
Sanitation Procedures
Our sanitation contract provides for rear yard pick up. Do not place garbage cans in front of your home or on the street. For more detailed information regarding sanitation procedures, click HERE.
Noise Ordinance
The use or operating of any lawn mowers or motorized gardening equipment before 8 am on weekdays and 9am on weekends is prohibited. Outside construction and repair work is prohibited between the hours of 7:30 pm and 8 am. Work cannot commence before 9:00am.
Village Board Meetings
Regular Village Board Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 pm. The Village’s Organizational Meeting is held on the first Monday in April. To see current meeting dates, click HERE.
Landscaper & Tree Contractor Licensing
All landscapers & tree companies working on properties located within the Village must obtain a license from the Village Office. If you employ the use of a landscaper or tree company, please check with the company to ensure that they are properly registered. They must renew their permit annually before January 1 of each year.
Clearly Marked Street Address Numbers
To facilitate the effective response of emergency personnel, residents should ensure that their street number is clearly and adequately placed on each home in the event of an emergency, so that responders will be able to locate the home saving precious time in an emergency situation.
Village Taxes
Village taxes are sent out June 1st of each year and are due, without penalty, by June 30th. It should be noted that any taxes not paid by July 1st are subject to a 5% penalty, and if they remain unpaid thereafter, a penalty of 1% per month is added to the outstanding tax.
Water Bills
Water is billed twice annually in October and April. You must have your meter read at least once every two years. The bills are due within the month they are issued. If the bill remains unpaid after that month, a $30.00 penalty is applied, and if it remains unpaid for each month thereafter, a 1% penalty per month is applied to the bill. There is a minimum water usage charge of $100.00 each billing period.
Village Parking Lot
The Village has a commuter parking lot for those who need to park at the train station. Permits are issued in January of each year at a cost of $100.00. Applications are available at the Village Office and you must bring proof of residency ( i.e. car registration, LIPA bill). Parking is on a first come-first served basis, and there is no guarantee of a parking space.
Village Building Inspector
Jared Mandel is the Building Inspector for the Village of East Williston. His office hours for the Building Department are Mondays and Thursdays ONLY. If you have a building related question for him, please email him at buildinginspector@eastwilliston.org. Please include your full name, address, telephone number where you can be reached during the day, and the address of the property in question.
Lastly the Village of East Williston encourages residents to visit our web site at www.eastwilliston.org to obtain constant updates of activities, meetings and goings-on. Again, WELCOME!